'Honestly, I'd take the color of bleeding walls over eggshell white any day.' 'Boogie in your butt? What are you, Eddie Murphy?' 'Just be careful not to yell out 'Winter is coming!''Ī good fake name to use when checking into a hotel 'Pudding pants? You bet! It will change your life.'Ī fun thing to think about during mediocre sex 'Did you not understand what we were asking? Or you did, and you just couldn't bring yourself to do it? What are you, some kind of video game perfectionist? Lighten up!' That's not the whole reason but.'Ī completely wrong way to spell 'Jennifer Aniston' It reminds them that despite being smarter than dogs, many pigs are treated cruelly by the meat industry. uh, second, if you count Taft.'Ī bad thing to say to a cop as he writes you a speeding ticket 'Yeah, I'd imagine America is is still quite a ways away from it's first openly satanist president. Unless they were using reverse psychology, then it's brilliant!'Ī bad first line for your presidential inauguration speech 'Don't Vote for Me! That would be a horrible slogan.
The game selects a random player (other than the Audience or the player(s) given the scenario to complete) to fill this spot.Ī bad campaign slogan for a congressperson